Fig. 3. Acid ceramidase treatment of Chang cells activates p38-kinase and p70S6-kinase. Chang cells were treated with acid ceramidase as indicated and the phosphorylation of p38-kinase (p-p38K) (A, B) and p70S6K (C, D) was analyzed by western blotting (A, C) and quantified (B, D). Treatment with acid ceramidase results in activation of both proteins. Shown are representative blots (A, C) from 3 independent studies and the quantitative analysis (B, D) of the blots. Actin blots were used to normalize the samples and to show similar loading in all lanes. The quantitative data are normalized to actin. The quantitative data are mean ± SD, n=4 for phospho-p38K and n=5 for phospho-p70S6K, *p<0.05, ANOVA.